History Timeline 2006-2020
⚠️ THE FIGHT IS STILL GOING. It’s been a long 13 years, but we’re not done yet.
⚠️ Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Hanson’s Environmental Effects Statement (EES) *should* have been completed towards the end of 2020. That date may now be extended, but when it does come, that’s when we’ll need your help!
⚠️ Once the EES has been submitted, and the Planning Minister is satisfied with the report, we (and you) will only have 25-30 business days to provide feedback on the report. SO GET YOUR THINKING CAPS ON - Remember, Bunyip North and it’s surrounding regions are like no other. After all, the reason why the Planning Minister ordered an EES in the first place was because;
"The proposal has potential for significant environmental effects, in particular on biodiversity, hydrology, groundwater and Aboriginal cultural heritage values, and amenity, over an operational period of many decades."
BUT, what can you do until then?
✅ Make sure you've signed our change.org petition 👉🏼www.change.org/p/richard-wynne-stop-hanson-s-bunyip-north-q…
✅ Keep up to date with the latest news by signing up to our mailing list 👉🏼 www.stopthebunyipnorthquarry.com/contact-us
✅ Write to local politicians (we have a list of contacts available on our website) 👉🏼 www.stopthebunyipnorthquarry.com
✅ Visit our online shop for t-shirts and Mark Knight limited pieces - every dollar counts! 👉🏼 www.stopthebunyipnorthquarry.com/shop
….. and don’t forget to tag your pictures of our local flora and fauna: #StopTheBunyipNorthQuarry
Find out more about the EES process: /www.planning.vic.gov.au/environment-assessment/browse-projects/projects/bunyip-north-granite-quarry