EES Process Update
A meeting called by Hanson regarding its proposed quarry on Thursday night, March 23 at the Bunyip Hall was very well attended despite the timing and short notice.
Hanson’s representatives, Daniel Fyfe and Stephanie Salinas, did little to provide any new information. It was disappointing that they appeared to be so disorganised. Especially disappointing when Daniel wants to run a quarry with serious issues including up to 530 truck movements every day on our roads.
However, the representative of the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP), Jack Krohn, did inform the meeting about the Environment Effects Statement (EES) process. Jack indicated that they are now in the process of deciding the scope of the EES. In other words, what would be included or looked at by the various experts engaged by Hanson and other government departments.
It is very important that we all make sure that the scope of the EES covers those things that are important to our community.
For those of you who don't wish to entrust Hanson with your concerns you can send them via The Mt Cannibal & District Preservation Group Inc EES Concerns Form detailing those things that you wish to be considered during the EES process or you can send them directly to the Environmental Assessment unit of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) via email
Please Note: DELWP have advised that the Draft Scope process has now begun and it will take 6-8 weeks of development followed by a community consultation period of 3 weeks.