EES Final Scoping Requirements released

Hanson is obliged to have reports and studies undertaken in relation to the impact of its proposed quarry - or the "Environment Effects Statement" [EES].
DELWP published a draft of the Scoping Requirements for the EES and invited comments. We understand that it is important that the Scoping is as comprehensive as possible so that Hanson is obliged to engage consultants to study and report on all the issues included in the Scoping.
Many concerned community members made individual submissions directly to DELWP while many others chose to contribute to the The Mount Cannibal & District Preservation Group submission. This lengthy submission outlined the many issues facing the community and requested they be addressed in the Final Scoping document.
You can read the full submission at the following link.
We are in disbelief that our submissions were largely ignored with only relatively minor changes making it into the Final EES Scoping requirements document.
Now, more than ever, we need to pressure the politicians and the Department of Environment Lands Water & Planning to give us a voice.
We believe that it is not only fair, but essential that our community has representation on the Technical Reference Group for the EES so that we can continue to provide essential input on behalf of our community.
As such we have written to both DELWP and the Minister for Planning asking why, for the most part, we have been ignored.
Stay tuned for their replies.