Save Mount Cannibal Community Walk
Hanson Australia are proposing to impact the long established farming, rural lifestyle and equestrian communities in Bunyip North with a...

EES Final Scoping Requirements released
Hanson is obliged to have reports and studies undertaken in relation to the impact of its proposed quarry - or the "Environment Effects...

EES Draft Scope Public Comments Invited
This is your opportunity to make sure that your concerns regarding the proposed quarry will be investigated during the EES process

EES Process Update
A meeting called by Hanson regarding its proposed quarry on Thursday night, March 23 at the Bunyip Hall was very well attended despite...

Residents refuse to give social licence for new quarry
Last night more than 80 residents from Bunyip and Garfield gathered at the Bunyip Hall to hear a community update on the status of...

E.E.S start Imminent! Community Awareness Meeting Called...
Hi All, A year on from the Planning Minister declaring that an EES is required for the Bunyip North Quarry, we have received confirmation...

Frog Night Reminder - Better Hop To It!
Hi everyone - here's another opportunity to get involved with the community while checking out some of our beautiful wildlife!

Minister for Planning E.E.S Decision
REFERRAL NUMBER 2015R-04 For Public Notice via Internet REASONS FOR DECISION UNDER ENVIRONMENT EFFECTS ACT 1978 Title of Proposal: ...